Wednesday, 4 June 2014


Well, this year marks my 41st Birthday. 

Yes, today I am 41 years of age.  Blimey. How did that happen?  Turning 40 last year was a bit (a lot?) of a shock, and then already that is a whole year ago, and I am 41.  And, to be honest, I'm still not a whole heap closer to ticking off any of those milestones that I was planning on having achieved by the time I was 40!

Turning 40; and especially the latter part since the beginning of 2014 it has all been a bit of a Roller Coaster.  I've not been terribly fortunate in that I have experienced health difficulties and I haven't been able to work, which has been a real struggle, as actually I rather enjoyed the routine of getting up and going to work, and meeting people and contributing, and being part of something.

I have therefore chosen to channel a lot of my thoughts and energies into this BLOG.  This has provided me with a creative outlet into which I can share my thoughts and ideas and hopes and dreams and frustrations.  The idea is that the BLOG is not a 'BLOG about MS'; the idea was that it was a BLOG about 'my life with MS'.  About me 'not being drunk' about how my MS impacts upon my life; impacts upon all areas of my life.  So, yes some of the BLOGs are directly related to specific aspects of the condition e.g.  FATIGUE; DISABILITY, while other BLOGs are related to other areas of my life, to other things I enjoy e.g. SHERLOCK HOLMES; CINEMA; KINDNESS; FRIENDS, and how my MS now directly or indirectly plays a role in those areas of my life, or not.

Things I have realised that I am immensely grateful for during this year, and yes, I did already know this, but the fact has really been brought home and been reiterated, are my family and my friends.  I don't want to name names as ultimately I am bound to forget someone (cognitive dysfunction/brain fog) and that really would be unforgiveable.  But I think those of you who have been there for me already know who you are, and now how immeasurably grateful I am to have you in my life.

I am also aware that there are people that I thought were my friends, but who are sadly unable to accept that I am not the person that I was, and that this cruel condition is not something that I have chosen or that I have control over, and they have chosen not to be friend and not to be part of my life.  I have had to sadly learn to accept this.  Realise that I probably over-estimated them.

I hope that these BLOGs are informative and useful and thought-provoking and humorous and enjoyable to read.  Thank You to those of you who do read them, those of you who leave me comments, who engage with me through these posts.  Those of you who are prepared to come along on the journey with me. Your company is valued and enjoyed and appreciated.

So, anyway, turning 41. I don't really have any plans for what the day will involve.  Possibly any of the following: Cake. Time with Friends. Presents. Laughing. Bacon Butties. Cards. Sunshine. Animals. Chocolate. Coffee. Flowers.  Ice-Cream. Happiness. Tea. Guinness. Magic Tricks. Gossiping. Pizza. Benedict CUMBERBATCH.

I certainly don't know what my 42nd year will comprise of.  I guess I shall find out.  I would love to think that it would involve catching up with those friends that I do not see very often, as well as more adventures with 'the usual suspects'.  But, as ever I shall share it with you, with those of you who are interested, in my future BLOG Posts.

So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ME!  And 'Thank You' for sharing it with me x


  1. Hope you had a great day H, and pray that the year will bring you what you wish for. God bless. X

    1. Thanks Geordie. Missed a birthday hug x

  2. Hey Hanya, hope you had a wonderful day. Very sad to hear that you have lost friends through being unwell. Clearly not the sort of friends who are capable of loyalty and empathy you show people. Boooo to them and hip hip hooray to you xxx

    1. I was thorough spoilt and have posted the photos to FB. We don't lose friends, we find out who the real ones are. The real ones are worth their weight in gold x

  3. A belated Happy Birthday Hanya. I hope you had the fantastic day that you so richly deserve... Mike

    1. Can't believe it is two years since we celebrated my birthday with a Picnic and Prosecco - time does fly! Thank You for your good wishes Mike x

  4. Don't fret too much about what tomorrow may bring, just enjoy today

    1. Kahn, you have wisdom beyond your years. This is a very important life lesson that I am really trying very hard to learn. Thank You Sir x
