Monday, 31 August 2015


On Sunday 30.08.15 I 'Braved the Shave' for Macmillan Cancer Support. I put up two fingers to Cancer for Macmillan Cancer Support.

People really were tremendously supportive and extremely generous.  I raised £1357.32 (plus £317 Gift Aid), and £150 cash donations on the day, but people can still contribute:

Joyce HOUCHIN who is 95 and who has lived on the street for over 60 years, and was friends with my Granny, came along as 'Guest of Honour' to preside over the proceedings.  Joyce was slightly bemused by it all, but joined in with the shenanigan and even took her very first selfie.

Kirsty ALLEN no longer works as a hairdresser but agreed to look out her clippers and come out of hairdressing retirement for this one-off gig seeing as it was for such a great cause.

I was diagnosed with Primary Progressive MS in 2011, my friend Vix EDWARDS was diagnosed with Secondary Progressive MS in 2010. MS is very very different from Cancer but the feelings of fear and uncertainty are shared.  So it was wonderful to have her support, and have someone to literally hold my hand.  A video of all the action was recorded:

The word 'Cancer' is a very evocative one, one that terrifies. Almost everyone is touched in some way by Cancer, through a loss of a friend or family member.  Brave the Shave understands that the loss of hair due to some Cancer treatments can be emotional and upsetting and difficult to come to terms with, as people are left feeling vulnerable and less confident as a result.


I am thrilled to have participated and raised money for Macmillan Cancer Support.  I am really very very grateful to everyone who came to support me. I am particularly grateful to Suzanne NELSON, who usually cycles everywhere, who decided to drive and who got caught up with the Skyride traffic diversions, the irony was not lost on us!

My friend Rose BARLOW has a variety of hats and wigs available and Vix and Deb and I endlessly amused ourselves trying them all on!


  1. Well done Hanya!! Still think you were very brave but it looks like you had enjoyed the day :-)

    1. It was a great day, everyone was very supportive, which was great. I was scared! I was scared I'd have an odd shaped head! It is growing quite quick!

    2. So what's the next challenge then Hanya? What's the next nutty but awesome thing you are going to do, putting the rest of us who haven't got the same 'get up and go' to shame? :-)

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Not sure why yesterday's comment at 11:57 repeated three times but have deleted the extras :-)
